
    1. Scolio-Leg Strength in Twenty

    2. Scolio-Pilates in Twenty: Feet

    1. K-Fit Spine Strong in 20

    2. K-Fit Hip Strong in 20

    1. Sleep Health Class I: The Hips and Legs

    2. Sleep Health Class II: The Spine and Arms

    1. Scolio-Shorty Happy Trails: Traveling Hip Relief

    2. Scolio-Shorty Happy Trails: Traveling Spine Relief

    1. Scolio-Shorty: Scolio-Core 1

    2. Scolio-Shorty: Scolio-Core 2

    3. Scolio-Shorty: Core Control

    1. Scolio-Shorty: Chronic Pain 1

    2. Scolio-Shorty: Chronic Pain 2

Karena Thek

  • 16 lessons