Post-Menopausal Scoliosis with Gwen Miller
January 12th, 2025
2pm (ET)
With Gwen Miller, Authorized Scolio-Pilates® Practitioner
Some studies even show that 60% of women over 60 have scoliosis. What’s going on? Why the high numbers? With menopause comes hormonal changes that affect structural changes. Bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles may not be as strong or as stable as they were before menopause and that instability may allow for scoliosis to happen or for an existing scoliosis to worsen. What is then, the solution? Let’s get together and talk about that. And let’s talk about how you will manage, at minimum, having 35% of your female clientele over 50 with scoliosis. We are eager to share a LOT of information with you!
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